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A double electric breast pump with an integrated carrying case

Two-phase expression for more efficient and thorough pumping
All parts that touch breast milk are BPA free
Comes with a removable cooler bag and freezer pack
Adjustable speed and vacuum knob
Uses battery power or an AC adaptor

What it is
If you want both efficiency and convenience, you can't really do better than the Pump in Style. Yes, it's quite pricey, but it's also well designed, powerful, and quiet – features that are especially important for mothers who will be using their pumps frequently or for an extended period of time.

This pump is truly a workhorse, winning rave reviews from mothers who have used it day in, day out, often for more than one child. It's fast, too, thanks to the two-phase expression, which helps produce more milk in less time, and the fact that you can control speed and suction power to find your most comfortable level.

Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump


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